Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Peer Pressure Can Kill- Why Fire Wardens Are Essential

Human behaviour is very unpredictable. You might think people would take immediate action if they saw smoke or heard a fire alarm, but this is often not what happens. Peer pressure and embarrassment can stop people from saving themselves or others. Thankfully, Fire Wardens Training can make a big difference.

Fire Wardens & Marshalls Training London is essential because they provide us with the vital second piece of information our brains require before we are willing to act. After all, a fire alarm could be a drill or a technical fault. If we are somewhere unfamiliar, it is natural to assume that someone in authority will advise us on what to do and where to go. Fire Marshalls and Fire Wardens fulfil this role, directing people to the best escape routes, ensuring the building is clear and calling the emergency services.

Fire Wardens Training

Fire Wardens and Fire Marshalls are highly trained to be the voice of authority if there is a fire or incident, but have a variety of other roles in keeping people safe. They help check fire alarms and extinguishers, ensure fire doors operate correctly, check escape routes, lighting and emergency exits. They make sure that their colleagues are given fire awareness training. They have good knowledge of fire prevention, how fires start and spread, as well as basic First Aid Training.

Every company should have a Fire Risk Assessment detailing how lots of Fire Marshalls and Fire Wardens are needed to ensure everyone is safe during a fire and should have online courses available. You could train to be a Fire Warden or Fire Marshall without ever leaving the office. Health &Safety companies often offer free trials of their application, so you can be sure you are getting the best training available.
Don't wait until there is a fire; invest in some Fire Wardens and Fire Marshalls today.

About Company: First Intervention Training Ltd (FIT) is providers and suppliers of high quality Fire Warden Training programmes at our premises in Essex & London. Contact us at 01375 676779.

For More Details Please Visit: http://www.firstinterventiontraining.com/

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